Internet media company AOL Inc. has finally emerged from under the shadow of its 2009 break with Time-Warner Inc. and now -- after reporting its first year-over-year quarterly revenue growth in eight years -- is focusing on moving forward.
Top management hopes that adoption of a segmented strategy of rebranding and consolidation will let AOL continue this upward trend. But AOL faces fierce competition in the market, and possible underperformance in some sectors could stifle future growth.
The digital media and technology company that invests in brands and websites was a pioneer in the early days of the Internet, and drew a rich price when it agreed to merge with Time-Warne in 2001. But that merger, which brought to light AOL’s flawed accounting practices as well as the overvaluation of the dotcom era, is now touted as one of the most disastrous in history.
Three years ago, AOL broke from Time-Warner. Since then, it has struggled to redefine itself and recover its lost momentum, while facing stiff competition from tech giants Yahoo Inc. and Google Inc.
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