We’re getting kind of sick of saying this, but BP’s latest latest attempt to stop oil from gushing into the Gulf of Mexico has failed — yet again. The oil spill is quickly becoming the largest environmental disaster in US history and BP’s unsuccessful efforts to find any sort of solution are infuriating. Considering these circumstances, most people think BP’s bright green flower logo doesn’t really reflect the reality of the situation — which is why LogoMyWay.com has kicked off a $200 BP Logo Redesign Contest that challenges designers to come up with a “slick” new logo that reflects the company’s current slimy situation.
The BP Logo redesign contest will go for another 12 days and the entries they’ve already received are quite impressive — not to mention completely appropriate. BP’s sunflower has been turned into everything from a puddle of oil to a gas hose to a skull. The clever incarnations are exactly what BP needs to bring their logo up to date with the murky situation their company is currently in.
The latest news on the oil spill is perplexing — we thought it couldn’t get more confusing after the “top hats”, “junk shots” and “top kills”, but it has. The latest tactic of plugging the well with heavy mud and capping it with cement has failed after an initial positive outlook. Now BP will try to cover the leak with a containment dome — yes, that’s what we are thinking, haven’t they tried and failed with that already? They say this time it might work. In the meantime get your designs in for this great logo contest and help show the world what BP really is, a big greasy mess.
Source: inhabitat.com