A sportsman's love for the outdoors and his dream to improve the apparels and gears used in outdoor activities gave birth to a company that have survived years and years of stiff competitions. Eddie Bauer is a name that many trust when it comes to casual and outdoor apparels and gears. The company has established a good reputation that attracts many into patronizing its products. The brand stands in its commitment for innovation, quality, and an appreciation of the outdoors. Many people love the brand's classic outwear, as well as casual denim and khakis; along with other products that provide utmost comfort in conjunction to today's outdoor lifestyle. However, the prices of these products are sometimes too high for some people. And so, some shoppers opt to give up their desire for these products and end up buying cheaper low class alternatives and imitations. But for those who have tried shopping at an Eddie Bauer Outlet, budget is never a problem.
The company's stores and outlet stores are really popular for many outdoor adventurists. But before the company reached this state of success, it started out as a dream for an outdoorsman, bearing the company name. The company was established in the year 1920 in Seattle. It was in 1940, when Bauer's first quilted down jacket was patented. This led on to many designs which were also patented. The company got a big break when it was hired by the United States Army and was allowed to make use of a logo on the Army- issued uniform. Through the years, the name became popular and along with its logo, was licensed through other products like eyewear, bicycles, and furniture, as well as Ford Motor's Explorer, Excursion, and Expedition SUV's until the 2010 model year. The company also has stores in Japan, Germany and other places.
An Eddie Bauer Outlet Store specializes in offering discounted 100% authentic products. These outlet stores are operated by the company and so shoppers can be assured of the quality and authenticity of the products. The products sold in a factory outlet are old models that were not sold during previous distributions. Instead of piling them up in warehouses, these products are made available to the public in outlet stores in discounted prices from their original prices in regular stores. Aside from old models, slightly blemished products are also available in an outlet store. Because of their imperfections, they are also sold in lower prices than their actual selling prices in department stores, boutiques and dealer shops. Price discounts commonly range from 20-50%. This tremendous savings is really advantageous for many shoppers.
By Matias Guimerey Regis
Source: EzineArticles.com/6057211