Say you'd like to impress your customers or organization by a classy logo or header but you do not have the funds to pay a qualified graphic designer to do it for you.
Here is a second best solution that can save you hundreds of dollars. All you need is your Microsoft Word.
In MS Word, type your title - let's say, "Acme."
Blow up the font size to at least 36 or 72.
Select your title. Select Format > Font from your main menu to display the Font dialog box.
Select the following settings:
Font - I like Trebuchet and Bauhaus but experiment with different fonts.
Color - White (assuming you are using a white paper. This effect works best if the font color is the same as that of the paper.)
Effect - Engrave.
Click OK and you've got yourself a modern looking logo or header.
Spacing (in the Character Spacing tab) - Expanded by at least 10%
Experiment with the other settings in the other tabs of the Font dialog box and see what happens.
If you are designing a stationery, avoid the Number One Mistake that most non-designers commit: stay away from centering everything.
I don't know who invented the notion that centered text is the easiest to read but it is not. The natural rhythm of the human eye is to scan a page from top-left to the bottom-right. So left-adjusting all your text would be perfectly fine.
By Ugur Akinci
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